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Last modified: 1/17/2025 – and are subject to change
View or download a PDF of the current competition rules and policies,
• It is the driver’s responsibility to check the scoreboard to ensure the proper dial is showing.
• If you pre-stage on an incorrect dial, you own it, and the dial cannot be changed.
• You cannot dial-in below the applicable E.T. on the driver’s license.
• You cannot bump (assist) the dragster into the staging bulbs.
• You can touch the dragster up until they pre-stage. As soon as they pre-stage you are not allowed to touch the dragster for any reason.
• You cannot dial-in below the applicable E.T. on the driver’s license.
• If the driver would like to run faster you will need to re-license for a faster license. This can be done at any Friday Fun Night.
• The first-round Bye is a random draw from the tower. Moving forward, the Bye goes to the best reaction time from the previous round.
• If there are identical reaction times, it goes to the closest package. (closest to their dial-in).
• If there are an even number of cars in the round, Bye has lane choice. You must win to carry your Bye into the next round.
• The Bye cannot be carried into the final round. Lane choice in the final round goes to the driver with the best reaction time from the previous round.
• Shootout style will be how cars are paired in the lanes.
• To earn points, a racer must win rounds.
• Participants will receive half points (5) for winning a round on a buyback. To gain these additional points, you must win the buyback round. The buyback points will start to be gained during the 3rd round. Winning the buyback round will be necessary to gain additional points.
• In the final round, the winner gets 10 points for winning the final, plus an additional 2 points for being the winner.
• The runner-up would receive 1 extra point for making it to the finals, we calculate this by round losers. Examples (excluding buybacks) would be first-round losers getting 10 points, 2nd round losers getting 20 points, 3rd round – 30, and so on until the final round, where the winner would receive 12 additional points, and the runner-up would receive 1 additional point.
• You will be able to drop 1 out of the 12 points races. Your lowest race will automatically be dropped at the end of the points series.
• All first round losers qualify for this opportunity. Please see the class break down for buyback amounts.
• Money will be collected in the lanes once buybacks have been called for your class.
• Buybacks will run at the beginning of round 2, and from there, all winners will move on to round 3, and the race will continue as normal.
• Participants will receive half points (5) for winning a round on a buyback. To gain these additional points, you must win the buyback round. The buyback points will start to be gained during the 3rd round. Winning the buyback round will be necessary to gain additional point.
• If no runs were made, a FULL entry credit will be given (Minus $15 spectator fee if staying for the remainder of the race day.)
• If at least 1 run or staged, there will be no credit or refund given.
• If you oil down, there will be no credit or refund given.
• If you break in the water box on a time run or during eliminations, no credit or refund given. *(see info below)
• Although there are no refunds if your vehicle breaks during time trials, you can substitute another vehicle and run in another bracket. You’ll need to go through tech with the new vehicle. This change must be done before round 1 of eliminations for that class.
• In money rounds, when a driver breaks after having won the round, and cannot make the next round, the driver will not be paid the next round loser pay.
• A re-run will occur in the rare instance an error occurred from a direct result of a timing system malfunction or track official. All re-run determinations are made at the sole discretion of the Race Director and are final.
• A re-run WILL NOT occur if there was a wrong dial-in entered and the driver staged on it. (see general competition rules below.)
• In the unlikely event of a re-run, the re-run competitors must keep the same dial-ins and lanes.
• Failure to re-run is an automatic disqualification. If both competitors withdraw from a re-run, any payout will revert to the prior round.
• NO rain checks will be issued after the first round of eliminations is completed.
• If a rain out occurs before eliminations, no points will be awarded.
• If a rain out occurs during round one, only completed classes will be scored with round points. If the event is rescheduled, points will continue to be given, however, if you cannot make the rescheduled date, you will receive points for round one only. Rain checks will only be issued to racers in classes that were not completed.
• If a rain out occurs after the first round is completed it is a total rain out and
no rain checks will be given. All remaining money will be split to racers still
in competition. Points will be issued as round wins in classes that have
completed a round(s).
• All classes will be called to the lanes by the track announcer; please do not
come up early to the lanes unless otherwise instructed by staff.
• If you cannot hear the P.A. system, tune your radio to 88.9 FM.
• If you miss your call, that is the driver’s responsibility and cannot re-enter eliminations unless it is on a buyback. If a time trial is missed, you are allowed to jump in at the end of the rest of the time trials and no earlier. We will not wait for you again so please be prepared.
• Never block the entrance of staging lanes. Waiting at the entrance of the staging lanes in order to pick your competition is prohibited.
• Once you have pulled into a lane, please pull forward as far as possible.
• You may not switch lanes once you have stopped your vehicle, unless otherwise instructed by staging lane staff.
• All staging lane issues will be up to the staging lane and track official’s discretion.
• When the first driver is fully staged and the second driver is pre-staged, the second driver has ten seconds to fully stage or he will be timed out and disqualified by AutoStart activation of the tree.
• By staging your vehicle, you have agreed that you find all conditions acceptable and you are ready to race. If there is a problem, do not stage and talk to a starting line official for more help.
• Driver accepts all responsibility for deep staging.
• You must write “DEEP” clearly on both side windows so track officials and opponents are aware.
• It is the driver’s responsibility to stage first if deep staging. It is common courtesy for the opponent to allow the racer to deep stage before fully staging.
• If you have no dial-in on your car, you will be dialed the same as your opponent. Exceptions may be made at the discretion of the track official.
• Do not stage until the main scoreboard indicates your correct dial-in. All drivers, by staging their vehicles, will automatically indicate to the tower that they accept their dial-in that is displayed. Please check to see if it is correct before you stage!
• Re-runs WILL NOT be granted for an incorrect dial-in, if in doubt, ask the starter to verify your dial-in before you stage.
• Your dial-in must be displayed before crossing the head of staging.
• The break line is the line at the head of staging. A race begins when a pair of vehicles are called to cross the break line onto the track surface. In any event, cars that have been paired will NOT be re-paired due to a break. In all cases, good sportsmanship by giving the failed car a chance to make the round will be accommodated. Track officials will make every effort to determine winners on the racetrack by competition, not by disqualification.
• If a vehicle has problems after crossing the break line it will be given 1 minute to re-start or correct. Actual time allowed will be at the discretion of the starter, and based on the situation at hand. The starter shall have total discretion of the time allotted to stage a pair of vehicles and activate the tree. Their decision will be final.
• Crosstalk is used in top class and will be on all the time. No turning off of crosstalk.
• NOTICE: It is the responsibility of the participant, not WDRA or any track representative, to ensure that all safety equipment is approved, correctly installed, worn, maintained, and used.
• Reckless, careless or intoxicated driving is NOT allowed. Don’t allow unlicensed drivers to operate motor vehicles. NO alcoholic beverages will be allowed in the staging lanes. NO driver may consume if he/she is still involved in competition. Intoxication, possession or use of illegal drugs may result in suspension of racing privileges.
• You must wear an approved helmet if you go 13.99 or faster. No passengers under the age of 14, faster than 14.00 or during eliminations.
• Participants and spectators are expected at all times to conduct themselves in a professional, sportsmanlike and non-disruptive manner.
• Any participant or spectator may be asked to be removed or escorted off of property with the use any of the following:
1) verbal or physical threats to another participant or person
2) uses vulgar or derogatory language towards another individual, or
3) engages in any unsportsmanlike conduct
• All misconduct is up to the discretion of track staff and officials.
• Zero Tolerance on Terror and Violence at Cordova Dragway
Animals are welcome but must remain on a leash at all times.
• May only be driven by an individual who had a valid state Driver’s License and over the minimum age of 16.
• Speed limit is 15 mph on the return road from the turnoff until the time slip booth.
• Please come to a complete stop when grabbing time slip for the safety of our staff.
• Speed limit is 5 mph from the time slip booth onward throughout the pit are
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(309) 654-2110
19425 IL Rte. 84N, Cordova, IL 61242