Instigated by the return of the iconic “Peppermint Twist” 1955 Chevy to its original creator, Bob Mayerle and family from Pro Glass Windows. All of the old rivalries have resurfaces in good drag racing fun. One of those is with the equally famed “Shake, Rattle and Run” 1957 Chevy still owned by the Mensino family.
These two “shoebox” cars are the innovative grandfathers in the bridge between gasser racing and the early years of todays insanely popular Top Sportsman and Pro Modified competition. Both have restored and updated with todays big horsepower, clutch and Lenco driveline combinations.
With veteran drivers Bill Graziano behind the wheel of the ‘Twist and Kevin Lawrence piloting the ‘Shake, this is going to bring back the ultimate match races each car is known with a best two out of three matchup at the World Series of Drag Racing.